Group switching works – around the world
People power around the world has saved households hundreds of euro every year.
Europe and in Australia consumers have banded together to campaign for better deals on high household bills – and now Irish consumers will show their appetite for change the market for change.
A study by a British consumer watchdog says that collective switching using social media could “shift the balance of power” from suppliers to consumers.
More than half a million consumers in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany have already registered with collective switching programmes for gas, electricity and heating oil.
Studies have shown that the average household saved between €200 and €250 (£163 and £204) each year for a dual fuel energy contract bills.
In Australia, more than 500,000 people have joined the One BigSwitch consumer network campaigning for new deals in big household ticket items such as gas, electricity and solar power.
As more and more Irish consumers come under pressure they are desperately searching for new ways to cut their bills.
Switching suppliers is an effective method of saving money on bills, and the National Consumer Agency has tracked some of those savings on regular household bills.
Switching is highest in the grocery sector with 26% of consumers having switched where they do their main grocery shop and 20% switching their top-up grocery shop in the last 12 months. This is followed by car insurance (23%), utility companies (electricity 16% and gas 16%) and broadband provider 14%.
Research shows that the average monthly saving resulting from switching is approximately €15 – €20 per sector.
The Commission for Energy Regulation “encourages” consumers to shop around for the best deals and to ensure you get the best value.
But this type of switching is done by individuals, with sole buying power.
And that buying power of one limits your leverage with big utilities.
There is a better way, by banding together, by joining the One Big Switch.ie campaign.
One Big Switch uses the latest technology and recruits members through the internet to build a mass consumer movement – and unleashes the power of group switching to unlock group discounts on household bills.