Brexit – how it impacts you and what to do about it
In December 2018 the Right Honourable Priti Patel, now the UK Home Secretary, announced she would be in favour of interrupting food supplies to Ireland if we did not toe the line to avoid a no-deal Brexit. Now, having done our very best to help get a deal in place, it looks like Minister Patel is still getting her way with a swath of interruptions and shortages affecting the Irish consumer.
Here are the top 7 ways you might have been affected and what to do about it:
Amazon.co.uk and many other ‘.co.uk’ sites are having problems shipping to Ireland due to new customs rules and for some products, new VAT rules. Many prices have gone up and packages are delayed. Switch to Amazon.de, it’s really easy, where you see the Union Jack top right, change your region to the German flag, you don’t need to set up a new account or change the language. The site is in English, has a great range of products and delivers fast. I’ve switched and can highly recommend it. If Amazon goes ahead with a planned distribution centre in Ireland, switch back to Amazon.ie.
Beware of food and other products bearing British logos: such as “gov.uk”, “By Royal Appointment” “Proudly Made in Britain”. In the short-term, prices of many UK products will go up as additional red tape, customs fees and transport costs are foisted onto the Irish consumer. In the medium term, as safety regulations diverge from EU regulations there may be safety concerns with UK products which might not conform to our higher EU standards. The best alternative is to buy Irish, and if Irish products are not available, switch to EU products.
Check that your banking and insurance providers have a licence to operate in Ireland and the EU. UK banking and insurance licences are no longer valid in Ireland. Revolut for example recently switched their UK licence to an EU licence in Latvia- a welcome move for all those of us who want to continue using their service. Another great banking option is the fully licenced Berlin bank N26.com, they have an excellent intuitive app which I use all the time.
Once the UK finalises its much-awaited Trade deal with the United States, the safety of UK food will certainly be reduced. Let’s make sure we don’t get chlorinated chickens and genetically modified foods through the back door. Even if UK producers undertake to follow EU guidelines, they will not be policed by any EU regulator so, much as we would like to, can we really trust them?
We are already seeing warnings signs from some UK owned stores carrying UK products that they will struggle to hold down their prices. Many already have empty shelves as Brexit disrupts their supply chains. If you are shopping in UK owned stores, choose Irish or EU products.
If you are shopping for larger household items, such as a bike, new kitchen or furniture, make sure that your goods are not routing through the UK even if they were manufactured in the EU or further afield. By passing through the UK a number of taxes and charges will be added to them. Ask your supplier to confirm that goods are being shipped directly into Ireland.
Waiting for your covid vaccine? Brexiteers were this week gloating about their vaccine stockpiles which they won’t be sharing with EU citizens anytime soon. Our Government is working hard to source more vaccine and we will have a “vaccine update” in next week’s issue of this Newsletter.
Brexit will continue to impact on your household for a long time. Increased prices, less choice and reduction in quality and safety are all potential impacts. So don’t let yourself be bullied by the Brexiters who will tell you that for their political gain we in Ireland must make sacrifices. I think we have had quite enough of that attitude. Shop around and switch now to Irish or EU suppliers.