Year’s Free Electricity Prize Draw Winner Announced
During the Big Energy Switch you may remember we ran a prize draw asking members to refer friends to the campaign. An overwhelming 147 of our campaign champions were able to refer 5 friends or more to the campaign which was a great effort by all.
Today our prize draw winner has been announced, Paula from Waterford (pictured) referred 9 friends and family.
If everyone who joined the campaign had recruited as many others as Paula, there would have been over 500,000 registrants!
Paula was thrilled with the win. “With a new arrival to our house last year we were shopping around for better electricity prices when we heard of One Big Switch. We referred our friends as we wanted them to share in the great discounts that were being made available to us. We are now delighted to have won the free electricity prize draw, it will be a huge benefit to us for the year ahead!”
One Big Switch relies on people power to be able to negotiate exclusive group discounts so remember to spread the word. You can still refer friends to One Big Switch, remember, the more who join, the greater our voice will get!
Have you been a part of any other people power campaigns? What have you campaigned for? What household bill do you think One Big Switch should target in our next campaign?
Join One Big Switch at OneBigSwitch.ie