As we’re coming in to summer holidays, we though it might be helpful to share with you some Summer Energy Savings Tips;
1. Switch off at Source: Electronic devices consume even when they’re not in use. That’s why you should either unplug your electronics or switch off power at the source
2. Shop Around: Most consumers pay too much for their energy. The reasons are many: life is short, people are busy, energy is confusing, there is always a better deal somewhere!
3.Make the most of dry weather: The clothes dryer uses up a lot of energy and produces heat. Try using a clothes line instead.
4.Turn it down: Turn down the temperature of your water heater to the warm setting (120°F). You’ll not only save energy, you’ll avoid scalding your hands!
5. Join a Consumer Network: If most households can save by shopping around, they can save even more by being part of a large group that shops around together. We have switched thousands of Irish households to unique energy offers using the people power of our network. So spread the word to family and friends to join One Big Switch today.
Do you have any good savings tips? Let’s us know by commenting below.