Five facts about switching energy that many consumers don’t know…
Five facts about switching energy that many consumers don’t know……..
1. It’s simple. You just need to register with One Big Switch and answer a few questions about your bill so that we can seek to unlock a group discounted electricity bill. It’s easy with One Big Switch – it takes just a couple of minutes.
2. It’s free. Yes, that’s true. You register a few details with One Big Switch and we do all the work and get back to you with an offer, that you can take, ignore or, use it to negotiate a new deal with your existing supplier. The more people who join the bigger the discounts we may get. We don’t charge you. We’re a for profit with purpose organisation and we take a commission from the winning bidder.
3. Your garden won’t be dug up, your pathways will remain the same, you won’t notice any change in the service. The same electricity will flow into the house. The only difference will be the size of your bill and who you pay for that supply.
4. It’s free. Electricity companies do not charge you to switch. However, there may be termination charges if you signed up to a fixed term deal – so check with your supplier.
5. If you’ve gas and electricity you might benefit from extra savings. Irish energy suppliers have introduced dual fuel tariffs which offer additional discounts off home energy costs for customers that have their electricity and gas with the same company – so check the offer from One Big Switch.