Back to School Money Saving Tips
If your finances are under pressure, follow our tips below for ways to so save on back-to-school costs:
- Uniforms can be one of the biggest back to school expenses, and during the year many of these items get lost or misplaced, sewing the names into the labels will save you money in the long run!
- There are savings to be gained from information – can you buy school crests separately and sew them on to cheaper garments yourself? Is there a school uniform club for swapping old uniforms?
- Think about buying next years uniforms out of peak season, there are incredible deals to be had on uniforms after the September rush is over
- Look for second hand books, and make sure you gather all of last years books and sell them on, Some schools offer book swapping schemes between years, if not, ask around, there are huge savings to be made on books if you can find someone who is going into the class your old books are for.
- When you are forced to buy a new book make sure to do your research, there are big differences in prices between some retailers.
- Packed lunches are a must for anyone trying to save money. They are also healthier! Look out for special offers in supermarkets on suitable items and spend a little time planning the weeks lunches. They will be cheaper, more nutritious and contain much less sugar and salt.
- One way to save on your school costs is to save on all of your other day to day costs. Make sure you’re on the best deal possible by shopping around for your utilities. Joining a Consumer Network like One Big Switch is a great way to start the habit!
How do you save on back to school costs? What area in your day to day spending do you find the hardest to stay on top of?