Are country people being discriminated against by ESB networks?
Are country people being discriminated against by ESB networks?
Are you a domestic urban or a domestic rural electricity user?
You’ll know by looking at your bill.
ESB networks who maintain the electricity network designate your home either urban or rural and a set charge is levied as part of your bill.
It’s clearly marked. It totals €139.62 for urban 24 hour customers or €191.64 for urban nightsavers.
And, it’s €186.13 for rural 24 hour customers or €242.64 rural nightsavers.
There are no differences in the costs for units.
You don’t get a say in your designation, and the money is used to maintain the network.
You can argue that providing electricity to towns and city homes is relatively easy – distances are not an issue. But running a power supply through fields or up a mountain would understandably require extra hardware and associated installation and maintenance costs.
That’s the reasoning of ESB networks.
You could argue that – do you think it’s time for a review of your designation?
Or if you’re an urban dweller do you think you’re subsidising country people? Should country people pay more – the more remote the bigger the bill?
Tell us about your bill and your concerns.